This course offers you an opportunity to learn about people skills and develop your own people skills by improving your self-competence and your communication skills. Topics include self-directed learning, personality development, self-confidence, emotional intelligence, creativity, needs assessment, happiness, mindfulness, communication styles, active listening, assertiveness, persuasion, argumentation, cultural awareness, socializing, social etiquette, conversational skills, small talk, and conflict resolution.

You will also be able to develop your English language skills by extending your vocabulary, reviewing and practising some grammar items, improving your reading and listening comprehension skills, and practicing writing in English.

PSC is an online course. You will study selected video-, audio-, and text materials, do quizzes and exercises related to the topic and discuss your findings and other questions in the online learning forum of the course.

If you are interested in the course or want to participate send an email containing your name, faculty, course of study and semester (for example Katarina Meyer IN AIN3) to, and you will receive an enrolment key.